Thursday, 17 May 2012


… in life, is the one great source of misunderstandings, and sometimes trouble. For example, both, the husband and wife, should never take each other forgranted, because they will be extinguishing the flame of genuine love and interest in each other, and they will be responsible for the ensuing result. Even though they might have been married for over fifty years, or more, every morning, they should look at each other, with a fresh eye, as if they are meeting for the very first time.

We can apply the same thoughts for the priet, any priest, who, after years of saying Mass regularly, every single day, he should be aware, on the look-out not to take that daily Sacrifice as if it is just’ part of his daily routine. Without getting into the right atmosphere, as if it were his very first Mass, and his last, there lies hidden the danger of taking that Holy Sacrifice ‘forgranted’. That is lack of reverence.

This argument holds true for every aspect, interest, commitment, duty in life. BUT, certain duties are more prone to become commonplace and lose their value if ‘taken forgranted’. For example, one of the most shameful things that are being taken forgranted in life is ‘the reception of the Holy Eucharist’. A person might have been brought up by dutiful parents who used to teach him or her that he should receive Holy Communion daily.

That is something very commendable…but there is always the risk that if we do not stop to think about what we are doing, and what. or rather WHOM we are receiving, we will be running the risk of taking Holy Communion forgranted.

Before going up the altar rail to receive Communion, we have to prepare ourselves, our souls, spiritually, by asking certain questions…in other words making an Examination of Conscience; Am I in the state of grace ? Do I have any sins, especially mortal sins to confess? Do I really know what that white Host is ? Am I truly convinced that I am receiving Jesus with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity ? Do I realise what that means…that in my veins I will be having the Blood of Jesus ? …

We should spend a good ten minutes, to say the least meditating, thinking about this great miracle, before going up to receive the Lord. If the President of the country will be paying me a visit, I’m sure I would do my utmost to look my very best, to prepare beforehand what to tell him, pay attention how I behave and speak…and all this … because he is the President, a human being, who one day will become dust and ashes and be forgotten.

Not so with Jesus, whom we receive in Holy Communion. We will be receiving GOD, the Creator of the Universe, HIM, from whom all things, life depends. It is thanks to Him that our heart beats, that we can breathe and live. Receiving HIM should be a GREAT FEAST, and afterwards we should thank Him, for humbling Himself and coming into us.

I shall be posting historical happenings to show what it means to show ill-respect towards the Holy Host. God expects us to show reverence to Him in the consecrated Host, and terrible for him who does not show reverence. God forbid.


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