Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Have you ever heard or read about anyone who gave up his life in place of another?   Mind you, I am not referring to the Greek Legends, Mythologies or some other stories we read about. I’m rather talking about living people we know. It is possible for a  person to ransom someone, to pay for his debts, for the release from prison of someone dear. We have heard of such acts of great charity. But, giving up one’s life in place of others is something we rarely hear about.

Yes we have heard of that brave person who offered up his life in place of another one who was chosen for death by the Gestapo in the Prison Camp of Auschwitz. That brave man was a holy franciscan by the name of  Maximillian Kolbe. The man chosen by the Commandant to die, was a married man who had a wife and children, so Fr.Maximillian offered to die in his place.

We have all heard of another brave woman, a wife and a mother, who sacrificed herself to save her unborn baby; self-sacrifice of love. She is Gianna Beretta Molla, an Italian Medical Doctor. The choice was that either the baby or the mother should die whilst giving birth. She experienced life as a marvellous gift from God, had a strong faith in Providence and was convinced of the necessity and effectivneess of prayer. Gianna preferred to sacrifice herself and let her baby be born and live. She is venerated as a Saint.

What these two brave persons did is just the tip of the ice-berg. We can learn about many others who are sacrificing their life and safety for the love of others. And that is just what Jesus did according to next Sunday’s Gospel; going to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the death, meant that He was playing right into His enemies hands. As a matter of fact that was the concern of the apostles in protesting about His going there. It was Thomas’s encouraging remark that His apostles gave in and accompanied Jesus to Bethany.

This is so curious: Jesus gave up His life to give life to others. Another curious fact or irony is that by giving life to Lazarus, Jesus sets in motion the evil mechanism leading to His own death. The raising of Lazarus, then, is the final act before the event that actually accomplishes what all the signs have pointed toward … the provision of life through the death of the Son of God.

Another interesting point to note about next Sunday’s Gospel is the message which Jesus received: “Lord, the one you love is ill.” If someone is ill we do not just inform the medical doctor, we actually send for him and go so far as to ask him when he will be calling. But the sisters’ message sheds a strong light, knowing well enough that Jesus was their close friend, it was enough to inform Him about Lazarus illness.

That is a sign of great faith. They knew, they believed, they were convinced that once Jesus knew, He knows what He should do … and they just wait upon Him. This is a very good definition of prayer: ‘Waiting upon God’ and let Him take action in His own good time. In fact as we later read on, that is just what Jesus told His Apostles, that all this took place to give honour and glory to God.

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