Sunday, 6 October 2013

Listening to Pope Francis, at Assisi, about making peace and not going to bed full of anger, I recalled this wonderful poem, by an English poet. His words remind us, also of the Psalm which says: ‘Let not the sun go down upon your anger.’


See behind the crimson west,
Brightly sinks the sun to rest;
Gently close the drooping flowers,
Softly fall the Vesper hours;
Hushed is every woodland note,
Bee’s loud hum, and linnet’s throat;

Silent is the liquid breeze,
Moon beams kiss the rustling trees,
Ere the loving stars arise,
Ere soft slumber seals your eyes,
Children, bid contentions cease,
Let the sun go down in peace.

Join not hymns of praise  to learn,
While your hearts with anger burns:
Kneel not to your evening prayer,
With resentment lurking there.
God, who bids you dwell in love-
God who sees you from above-
He is grieved your pride to see,
Everytime you disagree.

Ere the silver stars arise,
Ere soft slumber seals your eyes,
Children, bid your quarrels cease,
Let the sun go down in peace.

Poem written by Edward Barton, 1784 - 1849

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