Tuesday 26 March 2013

Yes, YOU, who are reading this posting, have you ever asked yourself this question: ‘How much am I worth ?’  Some might have a Life Insurance Policy. What is the sum assured for your life ? Needless to suggest any answers, because there is a thousand and one answer to this question, depending on many factors; social standing, profession, financial situation, etcetera.

But have YOU ever realized that YOU are worth much more than any Life Insurance can give YOU, or can pay YOU back on Maturity Day ? Did YOU ever realise that the Almighty Creator, God Himself, God who created the Heavens and earth, who created the whole Universe, God who is not only Almighty, but, all Powerful, all Knowing, who is responsible for every breath YOU are taking, even right now, whilst reading in front of the computer, Who is responsible for every heart beat to keep YOU alive, this, our God took the nature of man, just because of YOU, for YOU, to redeem YOU.

HE not only took the nature of man, but HE suffered humiliation, was betrayed for the price of a ‘slave’, HE was treated as if HE were a criminal, insulted, spat upon …were YOU ever spat upon, were YOU ever insulted, were YOU ever beaten, flogged to death, were YOU ever crowned with thorns ? Certainly not, otherwise YOU would not be sitting at the computer reading. But God made man YES, He suffered all this because HE took YOUR place, to redeem YOU, personally.

This is the price HE paid for YOU so that YOU will be saved. The ‘maturity day’ when YOU take back what has been insured, is the day when YOU will face the Almighty Judge and HE will tell YOU: “Come into the Kingdom which was prepared for YOU.”  YOU are worth much more than YOU can imagine, and much more than any price the world can put to YOUR name.
Just look at the Crucifix, think, say within yourself: “All this because of me, all this suffering to save ME.” No, YOU are not simply one in a crowd and so YOU can  say that He suffered and died to save humanity. Yes, HE did save humanity, but HE Suffered, Died and Resurrected, just four YOUR sake, to save YOU.

YOU are worth much more than YOU think. No man, no business company, no relative, no friend can ever declare or fix YOUR real value. Only God can, because HE created YOU, and HE has created YOU for a particular purpose, for a single, unique, original purpose.

That is why HE shed all His Blood for YOU, to save YOU, because HE has an original Plan for YOU, that only YOU can fulfill. These ARE the Thoughts we have to reflect upon, during these coming days, as the Psalmist said: ‘What is man that you have created him little less than a god?’ For this reason a good Catholic, for that matter, a good Christian should always be happy, should always smile; knowing that the Almighty is at his side every second of his life. HE governs everything, come sun come rain, we are ‘in the palm of His hands’, because HE loves us, because He loves YOU.

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