Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Let us forget, for a while, that we form part of the Church. Let us forget, for a while, our Christian duties; participating in the sacrifice of the Mass, receiving the Sacraments, praying … and the rest.

Let us, for a while, concentrate on one thing; God created man. So we have every right to ask: For what end ?  For what reason has God created me, created you, and the rest of humanity?  The reason is found in this quotation by Fulton Sheen:

“Open Genesis and you will find that God’s first thought about Himself is, ‘Let us make man.’ Think of it: as if God could not exist without man. Now, God does not need man to complete Himself, to fulfill a need, but He needs man as a kind of a gift. That is to say, He must have someone to whom He can show His love. In fact the first monologue we find in sacred Scripture is that of God thinking about man.”   

God wanted to show His love to man. He is always in search of man … and not the man in search of God. Man does seek God but not with the same intensity with which God seeks man. He is madly in love with man. God IS the ‘Hound of Heaven’, as Francis Thompson ably puts it.

Notice God’s first and second recorded questions; firstly to Adam: ‘Where are you, why are you hiding ?’, Later on to Cain; ‘Where is your brother Abel ?’ God is interested in man, in his welfare, in his health and well-being. So God’s plan for humanity is built on the key-stone called    ‘LOVE’.

From this follows that if we practice ‘love’ towards each other in life we will be pleasing God, we would be reaching our aim in being created. Our Mission Satement should be: ‘Love every person on earth’…that includes your near and distant neighbours, those close to you and those in far-off lands, your friends and your enemies. I was created for one single reason: To show and practice love towards each and every one; love is the only rail, track that takes our train, our wagon, our cabin to the Station, to our destination called Heaven.

God created us to be His channels of Love towards each other, to fill, to flood the whole world with love. If I fail in this mission, others are going to suffer because I have failed in my duty.
For this reason the Lord Jesus, established, as He called it, ‘my qahul’, which means, ‘my people’, that is , ‘my Church’. This was established not on a bond of ‘law’, but on a bond of ‘love’. Now, according to Jewish Culture, for Jesus was born a Jew, new bonds, new contracts, new testaments, new orders or new contracts, were always established during a meal, during a banquet, and sealed by the shedding of a victim's blood.

This was done during a banquet organized by Christ and His beloved friends. During this meal, He declared that  this was His New Testament, His new pact, to unite all His people together. From this follows that the Church is the bond, the new pact, the New Testament established by Christ and sealed by the shedding of a victim's blood. In this case by the blood of Jesus Himself. So the Church is not simply an institution.
We have to understand the Church as the Body of Christ, the new people, united in Him, the example He Himself gave of the vine and the branches. “I am the vine, you are the branches,” Jesus said. From the main branch comes the sap, the juice, the vitamins, the life to the branches. Likewise, we receive the same life … and the truth if we are part of Him: “My truth I give to you.”

He also prophesied and promised that at first the body, the nucleus is going to be small, just a handful, twelve fishermen … small, like a mustard seed, but eventually the tree would grow from that seed, it would be a huge tree that gives shelter to great numbers, it will spread throughout the world.

Now, my body, like any other’s, is made up of millions of cells, yet it is one body, and it is vivified by one soul. Similarly, the ‘Body of Christ’ is likewise vivified by one soul … by the Holy Spirit. Thus it is called the ‘Mystical Body of Christ.’
Now, we can go back to the introduction and say, rather declare with pride: “I am part of the Church,”  and I understand the value of the Holy Mass, the need of the Sacraments, Prayers, Alms giving, and the rest. These are the rails on which my wagon has to move along to arrive at the Station. But the rails, the engines all that maze of cogwheels, chains, nuts and bolts, and what not, have to be oiled regularly. The only oil available on the market, for us, is called “LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR”.    

Monday, 26 November 2012

Historically the Jews were the Chosen People. Today, all those who believe in Jesus Christ and His Beloved Bride, the Catholic Church, and strive to do God's Divine Will ... are His chosen People.

Saturday, 24 November 2012


Deposit a small capital, earned in twenty minutes … but which gives GREAT DIVIDENDS of 500 % (just to quote an amount) and more. 

At the hour of death the Holy Masses you have heard devoutly will be your greatest consolation.

Every Mass will go with you to Judgement and will plead for pardon for you.

By every Mass you can diminish the temporal punishment due to your sins, more or less, according to your fervour.

By devoutly assisting at Holy Mass you render the greatest homage possible to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord.

Through the Holy Sacrifice, Our Lord Jesus Christ supplies for many of your negligences and omissions.

He forgives you all the venial sins which you are determined to avoid. He forgives you all your unknown sins which you never confessed. The power of Satan over you is diminished.

By piously hearing Holy Mass you afford the Souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.

Through Holy Mass you are preserved from many dangers and misfortunes which would otherwise have befallen you. You shorten your Purgatory by every Mass.

Through the Holy Mass you are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.

When you hear Holy Mass devoutly, offering it to Almighty God in honour of any particular Saint or Angel, thanking God for the favours bestowed on him, etc., you afford that Saint or Angel a new degree of honour, joy and happiness, and draw his special love and protection on yourself.

Every time you assist at Holy Mass, besides other intentions, you should offer it in honor of the Saint of the day.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

On the 13th Nov. at 1500 hrs. I wrote that our Maltese Minister was going to face the arduous task of being chosen as a EU Commissioner. I declared that if he were not chosen the only reason would have been that he is a fervent Catholic. I asked you to pray, not for his choice, but that God's will be done. Dear friends God's Will has triumphed, the Catholic Church has triumphed, Original Europe has triumphed; a fervent Roman Catholic has been chosen by a great majority to be an EU Commissioner, today the 21st. November at 1219 hours GMT. Blessed be God and thank you all of you who prayed and believed in God's justice. Only those who do not believe in God, or rather believe in their own god, have voted against. God is JUST. Thank you JESUS.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Spiritual  Guidance

There is nothing more terrifying than eternity.  The words 'forever, forever, forever', and the words 'never, never, never' with regard to hell should make our human nature shudder. We die only once.

Never seek to prove to yourself what the Church proposes for your belief. Know well that the Church is infallible, and this should be enough for you. Christ told St. Thomas, 'Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe' (John 20.29).  This refers to those who do not seek proofs or signs.

As soon as you become conscious of a wicked thought, chase it away quickly either by saying a short prayer, or by thinking of any of the Last Things, or else by thinking of some duty you have to do.  Never hold a bad thought for any length of time, whether it is against faith, or against purity, or about revenge.  Wicked thoughts separate us from God.

You should realize that a venial sin may become mortal because of various reasons like the erroneous conscience of the agent, the frequency of repeating it,  its very attraction, (that is, that if it were a mortal sin you would consent to it just the same), a very  wicked intention, contempt towards the legislator, its immoral effect, or else because of the scandal that the sin may cause.

Alas for the world that gives scandal, said Christ.  Those who give scandal are guilty not only of their own personal sin, but also of those other sins committed by others because of them. Murderers deprive others of their earthly life, but scandal mongers deprive others of the life of grace.

In order to really understand the gravity of the sin of scandal, think of its consequences. If you seriously scandalise ten persons, each one of those ten persons may every year give a scandal of the same gravity to ten other persons, and so on.  The person scandalised is normally a cause of scandal to others.

From the Writings of St. George Preca, the Maltese Saint.

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Douglas Hyde was editor of the communist Daily Worker, in England, his wife was the co-editor.  One night they were listening together to a Soviet foreign minister, Litvinov, on British wireless.  Suddenly she got up, shut off the wireless, and said: “I don’t think he wants peace. I think he wants war. He’s just talking peace.”

Her husband said: “Don’t talk that way. You’re not talking like a communist.” She answered: “I don’t care what I am talking like, but I don’t think he wants peace.”                                                                                                                    “If you continue to talk that way,”  Douglas told her, “I will report you to the party and you will be disciplined.”

“Report me, I don’t care,” she replied.                                                                    “Do you know what you’re talking like ? “ he asked. “You’re talking as if you might become a Catholic.”  She said: “I am.” Douglas replied: “So am I.”

Here were two people editing a communist newspaper and the Holy Spirit was doing His editing on both persons separately and He changed them until they were both brought into the Catholic Church.

As the Holy Book says: “God works in His own good time and the Spirit blows where it wills.”

From:   "Through The Year With Fulton Sheen"