Saturday, 4 August 2012


Whatever is good and perfect in creatures is infinitely better and more perfect in the Creator. So consider this well, and learn to recognize God through created things. 

 It cannot be that he who made you see, hear and understand does not himself, see, hear and understand much more.    Hold this as a rule for yourself: as soon as you become aware that there is anything bad in an action, never give your consent or carry on with it, even if your life is at stake.  In this way you would be adoring God in spirit and in truth, and so you live in peace.   

 Only those who practise silence live without any sin.  If you know you have committed a mortal sin but are not sure whether you confessed it or not, you are not bound to confess it.  If you are not sure whether you have committed a mortal sin, you are not bound to confess it, nor are you bound to fulfil a vow if you are not sure you have made it.                

Whenever you see that there is no real need for you to act, refrain from acting, for you would have to account for it at your particular judgement.  Only in this way you will break the silence which upholds righteousness.  Only those who practise silence live without any sin.              
When you are doing something, do not think of anything else.  Chase away any other thought that comes to your head, and leave it in the hands of Providence.  Otherwise you will not do well what you have to do.  Bear in mind that everything has its proper time, and you will live an orderly life.              

Work out your salvation by exercising a universal, disinterested and sincere mercy.  This means doing those good deeds which you are capable of doing, and do not forget that Christ ordered us to have a merciful heart in imitation of our Father in heaven.                  

Work out your salvation by having a true devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who, being so powerful, will not let you perish.  For, indeed, she reigns with Christ as a Queen, Lady and Mother.  Be always careful, however, not to presume too much on her and you go on sinning simply because you give her reverence. 

Spiritual Directory by St.George Preca, the Maltese Saint.               

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