Friday, 16 December 2011


“Merciful Father, as you have sent the Holy Spirit on Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to write all that You wished and wanted, we pray You, send the same Holy Spirit on us, so that we may understand, appreciate Your Word, and make it our plan of life. This we ask for the merits of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

57 …The Holy Bible, especially the New Testament gives us ample proof, and without doubt, that the ‘Son of Mary’ is also the ‘Son of God’, “one nature with the Father” (Creed). So to show, to prove that Mary is in truth the ‘Mother of God’, we shall quote from the Gospel those texts that mention the Maternity of Mary and the Divinity of the Son to whom she gave birth.
We start with a quotation from St.Matthew 1, 23.
“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” which means “God with us”.
It is evident that this Virgin is Mary and her Son, Immanuel (God with us) is Jesus. Thus, according to Matthew, the Blessed Virgin who conceived and gave birth to Jesus, is the mother of “Immanuel” of “God with us” (1, 23).

Certainly Mary did not give, pass on ‘Divinity’ to her son, but from her was born HE “in whom there is the fullness of Divinity”, (John 1, 14). Thanks to Mary’s ministry, HE “who is one with the Father” (John 10, 30) has taken upon Himself, has put on human nature, and looked, seemed from the outside as a human.” (Phl.2, 7)

Thereby we can say that the Blessed Virgin is the Mother of God-man. Mary became the Mother of HIM who became man whilst remaining God.

In St.Luke we read quite clearly that the Son who was conceived of the Virgin Mary, shall be called the “Son of God”, (Lk.1,31-32). So we are talking about the Son of Mary, whilst at the same time, He is the Son of God.                  /58    

Certain Information taken, with kind permission, from the book “Who is Mary” by H.G.Mons. Sylvester Magro ofm, Bishop of Benghazi. A very dear friend.

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