Saturday, 17 December 2011


“Merciful Father, as you have sent the Holy Spirit on Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to write all that You wished and wanted, we pray You, send the same Holy Spirit on us, so that we may understand, appreciate Your Word, and make it our plan of life. This we ask for the merits of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

58 … St. Paul, also speaks about the Divine Maternity. When God ordained, decided, that HE should come to earth, HE chose the mediation of a woman. HE wanted to have a natural mother just like we all have. These are the words according to Paul, 4,  4:

 But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,

Though Paul does not mention Mary by name, yet it is well known that this “woman” IS Mary. In truth,

Christ, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen,”  (Rom. 9,5) IS also the “Son of Mary”  (Mk. 6,3;   Mt.13, 55;   Jn.6, 42)

A curious question might come up, “Who was the first person who realized, understood, perceived, rather, inspired about Mary’s Divine Maternity?
A straightforward answer is, St.Elisabeth. She was the first person on earth to have acknowledged, understood, or inspired, that the person who was standing in front of her, all smiles whilst greeting her, was pregnant, but Mary’s  was a Divine Maternity.

Let’s try and imagine with our mind’s eye, two women; an aged one and a fiteen year old, both pregnant, in an embrace of love, crying for joy…I suppose. Joy for Mary, on seeing Elisabeth in her old age, blessed by God, about to give birth, and Elisabeth, on her side, seeing her young relative, pregnant ….. and what a pregnancy! Elisabeth’s great joy, is found in the words uttered by her:

And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?     (Lk.1, 43)

Though Elisabeth uttered these words with her own mouth yet it must have been the Holy Spirit who inspired her what to declare, re. Lk.1, 41.

So this is the answer to satisfy the curiosity of the question as to who was the first person to realise, and declare Mary’s Divine Maternity. /59.


Certain Information taken, with kind permission, from the book “Who is Mary” by H.G.Mons. Sylvester Magro ofm, Bishop of Benghazi. A very dear friend.

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