Thursday, 1 December 2011


 “Merciful Father, as you have sent the Holy Spirit on Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to write all that You wished and wanted, we pray You, send the same Holy Spirit on us, so that we may understand, appreciate Your Word, and make it our plan of life. This we ask for the merits of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

43 …. The whole aim of Creation , and man’s life on earth is to lead us to a perfect union with God, you can find this in John, 17, 21-24. So could Mary have wished or dreamt for anything more ?….there was no ‘more’ for Mary. She could not have wished for anything better, once she had reached complete fulfillment, she had God,  she was one with God, God was within her, God was in her womb. 

What else could she have asked for? Could she have anything more, or better than God Himself? What wonderful thoughts about our Mother. So she surely did not wish or strive to have anything else….including more children. Her cup was completely full, to the brim; she could not have wished for any other small drop to be added to her cup.

Because of her Divine Maternity, Mary was so full of God, complete, she had totality in body and in spirit, that her existence had reached a peak, a union with God. That should be everybody’s wish and dream.

Jesus has been the complete fulfillment of Mary as a creature. For Mary, Jesus was everything, as God the Father was everything for His Son, Jesus. We now understand why Mary, even for this reason only , remained a Virgin. 

A young woman gets married and her dream is, normally, to have, to build a family, so she dreams of having children and her dream would come true. Her life would be fulfilled.  Mary’s life was fulfilled, her dream did come true, her objective of becoming one with God was fulfilled. That is why, in the first place she had made the vow of Virginity.

So Mary whilst still on earth, had already started experiencing the blessedness, the joy, the completeness, which the pure souls in heaven, the blessed, experience because they are with God.            /44

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