Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist... 1

The Sacrifice of the Eucharist… 1

Mass is the Sacrifice that confirms God’s Pact, Covenant, Promise, with us, and we confirm that we are His children. How often have we recited, sang the words; ‘Lamb of God’ during Mass? How often have we seen the Celebrant lifting the Host  and declaring: ‘This is the Lamb of God’? The Lamb of God is Jesus Christ. We have got so much used to this information and fact that we tend to take it forgranted. Now Jesus is more than that; He is God, Saviour, Priest, King, Prophet …and Lamb. We have known this for a long time, and these are titles we address God-Man, titles of dignity, wisdom, power and  social status. 

But  the title of Lamb is so different from the rest. Let us forget, for a while, what we know about the Lamb of God, and imagine that we are hearing it for the very first time.  Let us forget about the symbols gathered throughout these last two thousand years. The lamb is no special animal. Not so attractive, not known for its intelligence, not even renowned for its strength. There are other animals more worthy to represent Jesus Christ; for example, the lion, mentioned once in the Apocalypse, whilst the lamb is often mentioned in the whole New Testament.  If we honestly wish to experience Mass, as an experience of Heaven on earth, we need to know more.  We have to know the reason why we call Jesus, the Lamb of God. That means we have to go back to the Old Testament for more knowledge.


  1. Very interesting and enlightened article. God bless you, Tony.

  2. I agree Tony!!! Keep this blog up:-) GBU Tony! Charmaine

  3. God Bless you both, Peter (a.m.) and Charmaine (p.m.), Let's pray that His Kingdom will come.

  4. Welcome 'jewelsinark' hop I got it correct.God bless you.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you brother Tony, you bless us with the word of God. may God bless you more and more.

  7. Dear brother Mushabe, if I have removed any post, that was done by mistake. Am still new to this Blog system and still have much to learn, forgive me.God blesses us all with His Word, the only way for our salvation. God bless you.

  8. Dear Brother Tony,

    Greetings of peace in Jesus Christ!
    I'm so grateful to God for this holy moment to visit your personal blog here and so blessed to discover this.You are truly a very good vessel of God's love and His Word.Keep up the good and holy works that you have just started.May God bless all your holy works and humble prayers,Brother Tony!Let's help and pray with one another and most of all,thank you for being my good friend!Regards and God bless also your whole family!

    In Jesus & Mama Mary,
    Dainty(Dak Dearest)

  9. Dear Sister in Christ, Dak Dearest, Peace be with you. I am doing this work with the intention of giving glory to God, our Father, AND, because that is what my dear parents promised on the day of Baptism. Later on I was confirmed and the Holy Spirit started blowing, a light breeze..and sometimes a hurricane, but we should realise that it is every Christian's duty to work and work hard to spread the Word of God, and pray that His Kingdom will come. But we have to start with ourselves.
    Let's pray for each other. God bless us all.
