TESTIMONY OF FAITH by Malcolm Muggeridge 4.
What the wilderness offers, is its emptiness – and silence. The world
seems far away. No social life, no media, no votes to cast, money to
accumulate. Just an arid haven of refuge. I love the wilderness because
when all these pursuits of mind and body have been shed, what remains is
an unencumbered soul, with no other concern than to look for God.
And, looking is finding, one may dare to hope, is keeping. From such an
encounter what emerges ?
That we are indeed made in the image
of God, and may aspire to participate in His purposes. What they are we
cannot know, what they portend we cannot imagine. Nevertheless knowing
God brings with it the faith to surrender to them. Then at last we can
say, really meaning it, that line in the Lord’s Prayer: Thy Will be done
….. which is all there is to say to God at any time.
When we
accept this, the wilderness is suddenly full of joy and hope; it does
veritably blossom like a rose in the confident knowledge that nothing
can befall usto our ultimate hurt other than to become separated from
God. All other ills than this are transitory and, like clouds melting in
the sun’s glow, come to be incorporated in the radiance of God’s
universal love.
(Mind you these are words of faith declared by a
person who was a convert to Catholicism and who has spoken out to the
world to give testimony of what he was convinced of … a genuine belief
in the message of Jesus Christ.
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