Saturday, 26 January 2013


When one hears words against holiness or some sinfully ambiguous words, and smiles at them, one would not only be approving the evil uttered, but also encouraging the speaker to repeat that evil. Human respect is highly to be abhorred.

Alas for those people who want to know everything, who want to see everything, who want to experience everything! One needs to restrain one's curiosity, for curiosity tends of itself to make unhappy those people who satisfy it.

In order to preserve and foster in us the virtue of purity and the holiness of our body, which is a temple of the Holy Spirit, * we need to constantly take the precautionary measures, such as the restraint of our eyes and our recourse to prayer. God will destroy anyone who stains one's own body, as St. Paul writes in 1 Corinth.3.17.

It is not enough for you to possess a good knowledge of things. Unless you practise what you know, your knowledge will condemn you. As soon as you die, all your deeds, good and bad, will follow you, and these will bear witness for or against you before the tremendous Divine tribunal. So, beware of what could be in store for you.

All that has been destined by God must needs come to pass. For God created everything for Himself. The past and the future are present to Him. Consequently, our task is to humble ourselves before Him, to adore His judgements, and to surrender ourselves into His embrace.

The lots of fortune are all collected into one lap, but only those are drawn which God decides. Nothing happens haphazardly. Everything is governed by the Wisdom and Providence of God. Let us then resign ourselves to what happens to us. Let us always be pleased with what happens to us.

*Because the human body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church incenses the remains, the dead body dring Funeral Services.

From the Writings of St.George Preca, the Maltese Saint

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