Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Spiritual Directory

Human life abounds with deceits, temptations and tribulations.  Consequently,pray God every day to direct you by His Light, and help you in all your ways for your spiritual and temporal good.  
There is no other time for self-resignation except during trial. Consequently, during this time pray God for help, for your nature seeks only its own will, and to please itself in all things.   

Your heart is hidden in your chest, but just as trees produce their fruit in due season, so also is your heart on occasion laid bare in such a way that its qualities would not be hidden anymore from your very eyes and from those of others. 
Time is a priceless value.  Fools employ it in vanities, and the wise in doing good. It is time, which, in a twinkling of an eye, opens the door to eternity.  Be careful how to use your time for it passes by unnoticed, and it does not come back.  It causes fear because the future is really hidden from everyone.  

Money cannot be the object of your heart, nor can honours, or sensual pleasures.  You have experienced this yourself, for, before you came to know God, you never told yourself  'enough'.  Everyone is created for God, and in God alone, that the human heart finds its true rest. 
If your conscience reproaches you for some wicked deed you have committed, do not delay to turn to God.  Otherwise, God who judges you cannot but blame you also, for conscience is the very voice of God.  Whoever has time should not wait for yet more time.   

In any state you find yourself, ask yourself: 'If Christ were in my place, what would he do, what would he say?' Then you would not refrain from imitating the only Master of all people.    
Whatever you do, bear in mind that any action of yours must be either good or bad.  This depends either on your intention which is either good or bad, or on the goodnessor otherwise of the object itself.  Consequently, remember that you cannot escapethe judgement of God, that God who rewards or punishes. 

It is true that you become a saint if you deny yourself.  However, your self-denial will not lead to holiness if it is not continuous and if it is not done with love. 
Contradict your heart, and your heart will be filled with peace.  Ask those who have experienced the truth.   Proceed in everything by prayer, for without God's grace we can do nothing. 

Call on God in whatever situation you find yourself.  Ask Him to enlighten you, to help you, to save you from deceits, and to help you humbly accept your position. 

Spiritual Directory from the writings of St. George Preca, the Maltese Saint.                                                

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