Thursday, 26 January 2012

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.                                                                                                                                                         I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, was Crucified,  and Resurrected.                                                                                                                                            I believe in the Holy Spirit.                                                                                                                          I believe in the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.                                                                                                                                                         I believe in the resurrection of the body.                                                                                           I believe in life everlasting,    Amen.

CC8 …. Did Bishops and Presbyters exercise the same role ?

At first it could seem that Bishops and Presbyters meant, indicated  those who were responsible for guiding the communities. As time went by, however, the Bishops assumed the direction of the local churches (Cfr. St.Paul’s Letters to Timothy and Titus).
In these letters, Paul also lays down precise norms for the selection of the deacons (1Tim. 3: 8 – 13).

Do we know any collaborators of the Apostles ?

1.    Timothy, of pagan origin, accompanied Paul on his second and third Missionary Journeys (Acts, 17:14).  Paul addressed two of his Letters to Timothy.  In the first one, the Apostle Paul, manifests his concern about those who were spreading false doctrines: “Remain at Ephesus, that you may charge certain persons, ‘not to teach any different doctrines’ (1Tim. 1:3)

2.    Titus: whom Paul calls “my true child in the common Faith” (Tit. 1:4). Besides other duties, Paul entrusts to him the Church in Crete:                        “I left you in Crete, that you might amend what was defective, and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” (Tit. 1:5)

Titus, therefore, received from Paul his very mission not only of guarding the Faith, but also of appointing those who were to share and transmit the same mission.

•    The Apostles were concerned about entrusting the transmission of the Word of God and of presiding over communities, to trustworthy collaborators as their successors.
•    There appeared from the beginning the roles of Bishops and Presbyters (elders / priests).
•    The Presbyters guided as shepherds, they taught, they administered, and celebrated the Eucharist Sacrifice.
•    These Collaborators were also instructed by the Apostles to appoint those who were to share and to transmit the same mission. (Tit. 1:5)        /CC9

Extracts by kind permission of  HG Mons. Sylvester Magro ofm, Apostolic Nuncio of Benghazi.

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