Thursday 4 February 2016


Jesus would go anywhere as long as he found two persons, a dozen or a crowd waiting for Him to hear His words of wisdom. Why would Jesus go to the Lake of Gennesaret, to the open fields, on a fishing boat, by a mountain side or on top of a hill? I think, if Jesus were to come in person, today, He might hold His Teaching sessions in a football stadium, in Parks or in any open space. Yes He would certainly go to St.Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, to Westminster Cathedral in London, to St.Peter’s Basilica in Rome and to other Churches round the world.

In the days when He lived in Palestine, He could have gone to the Synagogue, which in fact He did, but He was also turned out and the doors shut … and probably declared ‘Persona non grata’. He did go to the Temple in Jerusalem, but we all know how the Temple was used by the money-changers and by the selling of animals for the sacrifice. And we all recall what happened when Christ died on the Cross; how the massive curtain of the Holy of Holies was rent in two, from top to bottom.

It seems that Jesus preferred an open-air space. This teaches us a very important lesson, a strong message. Do you believe that Christ is found ONLY in a church? Definitely not. Christ is found in the market-place, in the schools … even in those schools which forbid pupils, or students, to mention the name of God. Christ is found in the lazy corners, He is in the prisons, certainly Christ is found in all hospitals. Christ is found everywhere.

It is said that when the iron curtain had become only a chapter in the History of Russia, Kruschev told his mother: “Now mother you can pray because the iron curtain has been removed.” Kruschev’s mum showed him her Rosary beads and told him: “Son, I have kept on praying all through the years, now I keep on praying for you, as before.”  What words of wisdom! No legislation, no persecution, no prison bars can keep away Christ. Great fools are those legislators who try, with a stroke of a pen, keep Christ away. Presidents, Senators, Ministers can legislate against Christ (thanks to God’s gift of liberty), BUT they can never shut out Christ … they will be legislating their own condemnation.

Yes, when the doors of the Synagogue were shut, Jesus took to the open road. This lesson was well copied by Francis of Assisi, who started his apostolate roaming the open country-side. He even delivered ‘silent sermons’ along the way. ‘Silent’, because he believed that the example of his behavior and that of his companion, would be copied by others. And that is just what the missionaries, all round the world do.

Another lesson learned from the Gospel Text is the advice given by Jesus to Peter and company to “go out in the deep.” The Jews believed that the sea was the abode of the evil spirits, and as a rule fishermen never dared to fish far away from the shore. But Christ’s message was that His true follower must be a person of courage, full of resources and imagination, not bound by laws and rites (Pope Francis).

It is said that on that occasion they caught a shoal of 157 different fishes. What importance has the number to be included in the Gospel? Coming to think of it, according to Historical Records, there were at that time, one hundred and fifty seven nations … in the , then, known world. I have found another important message. Look up the Book of Revelations, in chapter 15, verse 7 you will find the answer: “With God all things are possible”. Because as we said we cannot keep away Christ away, all things come about according to His Divine Plan. Woe to him who tries to stay in the way of the Almighty Father.

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