Wednesday 20 January 2016


The stage has been set; the sound system is in its peak performance, lights are fixed, the stage is shipshape. The audience all seated with their eyes fixed on the podium from where they can welcome the super guest. The day has arrived when the news, they have been dreaming about, and expecting for years on end, is imminent, any minute he will appear in front of them. Their dreams will soon materialize, they will become a reality. Too good to be true! They pitied their parents, and all their ancestors who only dreamt of this moment, but, NOW, is the time… ACTION.

A shifting movement on the stage and a great hush, ominous silence fell in the audience. The curtains start moving, opening slowly till they are completely open. On the stage walks a young man holding a book. He takes his place in front of a lectern, opens the book and starts reading. In the theatre there was the silence of a tomb, you could hear only the nervous breathing of people eagerly awaiting the news.
Thus was the atmosphere on that day in the Synagogue when Christ went up, unrolled the scroll, and read the sixty-first chapter of Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to heal the contrite of heart.” The building of the ‘climax’ starts; He stopped reading, closed the scroll, gave it to the attendant and, sat down. He was quiet, calm and self-possessed. His personality was magnetic, all eyes were fixed upon Him. Then, firmly as a master of Israel, He opened His mouth and His voice rang shattering the silence of the Synagogue: “Today this scripture is fulfilled.”

This text was one of the most hopeful of prophecies of the Messiah. He spoke about the meekness of a contrite heart and of captives. The audience felt that they were the subject of His address. He spoke as if He was one of them who lived with them in bondage, He knew the weight of chains and beatings. He was very sympathetic, spoke encouragingly to those who were on the verge of despair, He was hopeful of a new horizon. He restored their strength and promised a bright future. Gracefully, He won them over, He told them that he was there to lead them, to teach them, to heal them, to set them free. He won them over, entirely.
Christ’s eloquence was built on crystal clear sincerity, and truth, that managed to strike deep into every heart. He conquered every man of goodwill. That was the message of the perfect silence that reigned everywhere, in every nook and corner of the synagogue. That was the Climax. They all gave testimony of Him, and wondered at the words of grace that proceeded from His mouth. But, unfortunately, it was short-lived. Heads started moving, others started looking at each other, mouths opened, doubts emerged. Criticism was sharp.

Reality slipped back to a dream, their memory was slippery, and very soon they were able to forget it. But was this Christ’s ‘Unfinished Symphony’? It all depends on me, on you, on every person who calls himself a Christian. We have to play our part, a personal part, which can’t be played by anyone else, because it is tailor-made for each of us. The score is ‘mine’ and mine alone. If I fail, I will be the missing note in the Universal Symphony, which was penned by the super composer.

Incidentally this same Composer is He Who took that errant note skipped by our first parents in the Garden of Eden, and which travelled through space, until the time had come (Sheen). The Master Composer took that errant note and from it built the Symphony of Love. Under the expert baton of Mary this symphony was played by all who were faithful to His score and participated in the performance. Again we are the musicians. But are we playing our score correctly? Food for thought … it depends on me and you.

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