Tuesday 22 December 2015


Being a grandfather, it really is heart-breaking to see a child crying. I saw little Johnny, with his nose buttoned to the shop-window looking at a ‘red and green train’. No, little Johnny was not crying because his mum was ill in bed; he was heart-broken, because he was disappointed. He had written many letters to Santa Claus asking him, begging him for a ‘red and green train’, which he had dreamt of for so long. But the train never arrived.

It was almost nightfall on Christmas Day, the houses were going to sleep, window by window, but, Johnny’s train never arrived. He was let down. But why? He had done his utmost to obey his mum and dad during the last weeks before Christmas. But why?

There he sat, wiping away tears, which he couldn’t hold back. O what a heart-breaking sight! Who knows for how many nights he will be dreaming of a ‘Black Christmas’. Years will pass and, I’m sure, he keeps remembering this Day. What a shattering disappointment!

Now, that the Festive Season will soon be on its way out, we start putting down and packing the Christmas Trees with their decorations, festoons and what not. We certainly, pack up Baby Jesus, together with the straw and manger. We sort of feel a void, as we had got used to seeing and appreciating the warm-loving sight of Baby Jesus in Christmas.

But that is where Johnny comes in. As far as we know, from the Gospel, Baby Jesus, never asked for a toy train, so he is not going to be disappointed like Johnny was. But Jesus is disappointed just the same, because for ‘many’ He is going to remain simply “The Christmas Babe” and nothing else. Pack up Jesus until another calendar date arrives next year.

Many do not realise, or rather want to forget, that Jesus was born to accomplish His earthly Mission; teaching, performing miracles, healing, feeding and raising people from death. But, our Jesus is packed up in brown paper, in a safe box in the attic. Yes, because for many He is simply the ‘Christmas Babe’. And just like Johnny … and more, He will disappoint Himself.  No, Jesus has not written to St. Nicholas asking for a ‘red and green train’. HIS disappointment is different; Jesus misses seeing Tom, Dick and Harry, and maybe, you, dear reader, throughout the whole year. HE has to wait for another Christmas. …and you are worth more than ‘the red and green train’.

Baby Jesus will be missing the warmth, admiration, love-sharing atmosphere and joy. Why?  Christmas Day should be every single day of our life. That is where Jesus disappoints Himself as much as Johnny, and more, seeing what humility He suffered to be born amongst us, to offer us salvation, love, cure of soul and body and His compassion. 

Unfortunately, for many, Christmas is a cultural occasion, just a day in the calendar; once it’s over, it is forgotten. But Christ keeps living in our neighbour, besides the Eucharist. And, our neighbour is not the next door family, but every human being round the world. So, prepare your ‘red and green train’ for Jesus. Let’s make every single day, a ‘Christmas Day’, and hope …  we will deserve His blessings, every day.


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