Wednesday 17 June 2015


When one goes to ‘The Holy Land’, a visit to the ‘The Lake of Galilee’ is a must. Sometimes it is called ‘The Sea of Galilee’ or ‘The Lake of Genesareth’. One sees an expanse of beautiful blue water with hills in the distance, beyond, the Golan Heights. The last time I visited Israel I enjoyed a trip on what is called, St.Peter’s Boat (mind you, a tourist attraction), but the light breeze, beautiful blue skies and greenish-blue waters of the Lake changing to dark blue, make the trip unforgettable… more important, recalling the fact that Christ crossed that Lake.

Yet a thought came to my mind, which spoiled the whole trip: what if the calm sea all of a sudden turns into a storm. The Lake is notorious for its storms, and they come with terrifying suddenness. These are caused by streams of air blowing from the many ravines on the east, they meet winds blowing from Mt.Hermion. The result is the one similar to that experienced by the Apostles, whilst Jesus was with them, fast asleep.

But Peter and his friends were experienced fishermen, and could certainly read in the currents and winds what lay ahead. Yet there was no indication of a storm on that occasion. Notwithstanding, it did happen. So there must have been a reason. Here we recall the words of Hannah, the mother of Samuel, “The Lord kills and makes alive, He brings down to the nether world and brings back.” This means that the great storm arose when, and because, the Lord was present.

We all know that those who live a godly life in Jesus Christ will suffer persecution. Is not this included in one of the Beatitudes? How often the Apostles must have crossed the Lake and they knew its secret, they must have done their homework before venturing to go along. But, this time, they were believing in Christ, they were following the Divine Call … so they were expected to run into all kinds of afflictions.

Quoting a verse from Wisdom: “Son, when you enter the service of God, prepare your soul for trials.” Those who work in the Apostolate can vouch the truth of this Wisdom. The Lord sometimes ‘permits’ all kinds of trials for those He loves. He holds them to their duty and to keep it from appearing that they serve Him for the sake of temporal happiness. According to Satan, it was for the sake of such happiness that patient Job served God.

We must ALL cross our Lake of Galilee in our life, and in our boat there is Christ present. “What, one might ask, ‘if Christ goes to sleep?’ “It is good to remember in the words spoken by the Master: “Without Me you can do nothing.” The time, when He goes to sleep, is the time when He allows us to act as we wish, in order that when we realise that we are getting nowhere, we may immediately turn back to Him. And in Matthew’s words we tell Him: “Lord, save us lest we perish.”

HE, then addresses the ‘sea and the winds’ with words of command: “Peace, be still.”

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