Sunday 11 January 2015


You don’t need to be a Sherlock Holmes to notice, whilst walking along the street,  that you are being followed, shadowed by two men. And it’s only natural to accost them and ask the question: “What do you want?” Your reaction depends on the answer they give you. If they ask you, “Where do you live?” my common sense urges me to ask: “Why do you ask, what do want of me, why are you following me?” a multiple question.

But Jesus knew the answer to all those questions, and so did not bother to ask them … as I would have done. Jesus knew that he was being followed by two men, who, up to some time before were disciples of the Baptist. Jesus knew why they asked Him. Jesus knew what they wanted, and Jesus knew why they were following Him. So the next sensible, and natural response of Jesus was: “Come and see.”

Jesus could have given them His address. I don’t know what it was, maybe ‘Fishermen’s Lodge, no 33’, or He could have given them His Post Office Box number. But NO. According to the Jewish Culture His reply meant an invitation to come and share in His work and food. ‘’Come and see’ does not mean entering one’s house and just knowing the address. It meant participating in the work, the mission, sharing the household, eating together, living in a community, and way of life.

Christ’s invitation implies that He perceives in them … and in us … that deep longing that is characteristic of humans when they allow themselves to be in touch with Christ. They did call Him ‘Rabbi’, because they sensed that if He knows their innermost yearnings, He must also know where to find what they are seeking, He must be a teacher of the Truth.
Going back to Christ’s invitation, ‘Come and see’, this is an open invitation to follow Him, to walk with Him, to learn from experience what the journey means; to learn of its pain and of its joy and most especially the happy ending on their ‘homecoming’. This is not an easy path, strewn with roses. One has to put aside personal gratification for the good of others; it is the JESUS PATH of loving care and sacrifice.

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