Tuesday 16 December 2014


“And God saw that all was good”. So goes the Genesis narrative. So, all was good. That is, everything worked shipshape and in perfect harmony. Until, one of the musician played a ‘false’ note. Actually it was a ‘duet’. The only feminine participant took the liberty of ‘playing’ what was not on the ‘original’ manuscript. The male part followed suit. All this happened at the magnificent ‘Eden’ Garden.
That false, errant note, kept travelling into space for thousands of years. As we know sound waves never stop, they keep on travelling into space, God knows where. Science might one day come up with an instrument to catch Christ’s words still travelling about.

But the Creator, in His great wisdom, had planned from eternity, a destination for that ‘false’ note. One day it landed in the lap of a fourteen-year old maiden, Mary of Nazareth, whilst praying. It was a great day for Mary, and for the whole of humanity, when Mary accepted the offer of becoming the Mother of the Son of God.

Mary took hold of that ‘false’ note, after travelling for thousands of years. Thus, she was totally responsible, she was charged, to create, to compose a new Symphony, starting with that ‘false’ note. The new composition was called ‘The Symphony of Love’. So Mary was the ‘maestro’ to conduct a great orchestra in playing and ‘interpreting’ the new symphony.

The orchestra, which Mary conducts, is composed of her children, all those who offer freely to participate. I am proud to form part of that orchestra, and I believe, you are one of us. We all play different instruments, according to our God-given talents. As is expected, every player must do his utmost to interpret the score, whilst very often looks up at the conductor to read any messages, which every expert maestro passes on with facial expressions.

That ’false’ note must have disappointed the Creator, He saw that that was not what He had in mind, was not pre-planned from eternity by Him. But the master of ‘lies and mischief’ being envious and angry at man, hated, and still hates, all that is good. He wants others to be like him, damned in hell. So God led that ‘false’ to be the first note of a new beginning with the help of Mary.

We celebrate the Annunciation of Mary, when she received her heavenly mandate from Gabriel, the messenger of God. Mary accepted with the simple words of, “Thy Will be done”. Mary remained a maiden, a girl, yet, she became a mother. But the beauty of this mystery lies in the fact that Mary retained her purity, simplicity, the freshness and virginity of a maiden, and besides added the virtues of motherhood, the dedication and love of her offspring.

Mary still conducts her orchestra, and quite often she reminds us of the words of the Master composer Himself: “Do what He says.” She is responsible to lead us, her musicians, without losing sight of her for a moment, but she refers us to Him, the Composer, the Planner of all our dreams.

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