Tuesday, 7 January 2014


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word…through Him all things came to be, no thing was created without Him … so the Word became flesh, He came to dwell amongst us.” (John, 1:1, 3, 4)

Jesus had both a human intellect and a human will. Without the human intellect He could not have grown in human experimental knowledge; without the human will He could not have been obedient to a higher will. As God, Jesus went beyond human knowledge … and THIS is what John meant when he wrote the “Word” which means the Wisdom or the Thought or the Intelligence of God.

Jesus had intimate relations with His Father. And this relationship was not the fruit, the result that comes from prayer and meditation only, a relationship which you, I and any human may establish; Jesus’ intimate relations came from the identity of nature with the Godhead. We do recall His declaration: “The Father and I are one.”

We all know that it was the sin of ‘pride’ that brought down Lucifer and company, it was ‘pride + disobedience’ that caused our first parents to fall from grace. So, it was fitting, right and proper that the second Adam, Jesus Christ, to atone for the pride and disobedience that had enslaved humanity, had to do away with the ‘ego’. The key was ‘obedience’, to the Plan of God.

Jesus was not obedient to save His soul, for the sake of a reward, to gain heaven, it was a total, complete surrender to the Father’s Will. This, He Himself declared it, as we read in John 14:30 -32 … “The world must be shown that I love the Father and do exactly as he commands.” This means total submission.

Have we ever noticed that the only recorded acts of Jesus’ childhood, in the Gospel, are acts of obedience? Obedience to the Law, He submitted Himself to the the rite of ‘Circumcision’; at the age of twelve He submitted Himself to the work of His Father, in the Temple; and His obedience to His parents, as recorded.

As a conclusion it is worth mentioning a Hebrew word, “talia”, which in a nutshell describes Jesus’ commitment to obedience. Because, ‘talia’ means boy; it means ‘suffering servant’; it means’lamb’. You can arrive at your own conclusion that Jesus was a ‘talia’ (boy) in the Temple going about His Father’s business; he was a ‘talia’ (Suffering Servant ... see Isaiah); and He was a’talia’ (lamb), because He was the Sacrificial Lamb.

DO read and study the Bible, every single day; it is a great source of wisdom, and a gold mine of learning and inspiration.

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