Wednesday, 1 February 2012


X  I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. X I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, was Crucified, and Resurrected. X I believe in the Holy Spirit.              X I believe in the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.   X  I believe in the resurrection of the body.  X  I believe in life everlasting, Amen.

CC 11 …. From whom was the Bishop elected ?
For as long as he lived, Paul was responsible for the Communities he founded. But he also appointed “elders” to care for them (Acts 14:23; 1Tess. 5: 12 – 13)

Among the “elders”, a Bishop was elected; one who exercised authority in his own right (Tit. 1:5).  The one to be elected Bishop must possess special qualities (1Tim. 3:1;  Tit. 1: 7 – 9), thus making him equal, competent to the office entrusted to him.

After the death of the Apostles, the Bishops followed the same procedures and maintained the same attitude of Paul had towards Titus and Timothy.

Is there any confirmation of the Apostolic succession outside the New Testament ?

St.Ignatius Martyr  (+107)
The most authoritative witness to this development is certainly Saint Ignatius of Antioch, martyr.  Ignatius was a contemporary of the Apostles.  His numerous letters provide us with a clear idea of the structure of the various churches, where the Bishop occupies the central position:

“Make sure to do everything under the guidance of the Bishop, who stands in the place of God…….” (St.Ignatius of Antioch in ‘Letters to the church in Magnesia’  VI, I)

“Let no one act independently of the Bishop in the things regarding the Church….where the Bishop is, there is also the community….as where Jesus Christ is, there is also the Catholic Church….what the Bishop decides, is approved by God.” (Ignatius of Antioch, ‘Letter to the church in Smyrna’, VIII, I)

Extracts by kind permission of  HG Mons. Sylvester Magro ofm, Apostolic Nuncio of Benghazi.

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